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Crypto ransomware is a category of ransomware viruses, which, apart from demanding the certain ransom payment, has file-encrypting capabilities. Thus, this type of viruses is also referred to as crypto-malware or crypto-viruses. The ransom is asked for the decryption of the encrypted data, which is to be transferred using the anonymous cryptocurrency, typically,- Bitcoins. The data files are locked and made unreadable after the encryption carried out by the crypto program, which is embedded in a data encryption mechanism. Accordingly, crypto viruses are also called crypto-lockers or file-lockers. They can act as screen lockers, preventing victims from accessing their computers or simply change the desktop background with the image of the ransom note. Crypto-malware is developed to target individual users, as well as computer networks belonging to huge corporations. This type of cyber threats is classified among the most dangerous viruses, since their developers typically employ elaborate data encryption mechanisms, which can even stay unpacked by the most experienced engineers in the field. Consequently, cyber criminals can make huge profits.

Most of the crypto-lockers can be identified by the specific filename extensions they append to the encrypted files. Usually, it is an additional extension added to the original name of the file and its extension. These extensions can be simple and be comprised of a short combination of characters or stand up as a simple phrase or a word. Often times they bear the title after which the crypto program itself has been named. However, some of these malicious extensions can even contain contact e-mails, the specific identification number of the infection, the BTC payment address, a string of random characters, etc. as additional assets.

However, not every crypto-malware has been designed to use a particular extension, appended to the encrypted files. There are such crypto ransomware coders, who, by chasing the glory of the most successful crypto-viruses, develop file-encrypting programs, adding the copied extensions to the aimed at files to falsify the infection of another crypto virus. There are also such crypto-lockers in the wild, which, instead of targeting the special file types, encrypt and lock the full disk. Other file-locking applications do not rename the encrypted files to make the corrupted data unavailable to be recognized by looking in the title. Thus, even though the extension appended may be a valuable indicator of the certain ransomware compromise, you cannot use it as the only identification mark of the particular crypto-ransomware infection or it is simple not present.

-email-[email_addre...: Azer ransomware virus .encrypted.decrypte...: Enjey ransomware
.f41o1: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)!____GLOK9200@gmail....: Rotor Virus(Decryptors: kaspersky)
!____cocoslim98@gmai...: Rotor Virus(Decryptors: kaspersky)%random%.EnCrYpTeD: Pickles ransomware
(encrypted).: HolyCrypt ransomware*.crypt: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
*нет данных...: Vanguard Ransomware.!___[email]_.crypt: Gomasom(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.#<email># i...: Striked ransomware virus.01: Amnesia ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.02: Amnesia ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft).0402: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.0x0: Ungluk Ransomware.1999: Ungluk Ransomware
.1AcTiv7HDn82LmJHaUf...: Crypto1coinblocker, Vista Defender Pro.2xx9: DevNightmare Ransomware
.31392E30362E3230313...: Kozy.Jozy Ransomware.31392E30362E3230313...: Kozy.Jozy Ransomware
.3P7m: Mischa Ransomware.3RNu: Mischa Ransomware
.492: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).4rwcry4w: 4rw5w ransomware
.666: BlackSheep ransomware.707: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.725: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).726: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft), Globeimposter 2.0 Ransomware
.777: Ninja Ransomware.7h9r: 7h9r Ransomware
.7zipper: 7zipper Ransomware.911: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.???: Antix Ransomware, Czech ransomware.ACTUM: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.ATLAS: ATLAS ransomware.AiraCropEncrypted!: AiraCrop Virus
.Alcatraz : Alcatraz Ransomware.BONUM: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.BRT92: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).BUSH: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.Bill_Clinton@derpym...: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).C-email-[email]-[fi...: ODCODC ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer)
.CHIP: CHIP virus.CRRRT: Unlock92 ransomware
.CRYPTOBOSS: Amnesia ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft).CRYPTOSHIELD: CryptoShield ransomware
.Cerber2: Cerber 2 Ransomware.Dale: CHIP virus
.Dexter: Shade Ransomware.EMPTY: EMPTY ransomware virus
.ENCR: AutoEncryptor ransomware, FileLocker ransomware.ENCRYPTED_BY_LLTP: LLTP ransomware, No Malware, RTS Antivirus 2010
.Encrypted: aZaZeL virus.FFF: Virus-encoder
.GRANNY: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).H3LL: Ungluk Ransomware
.HA3: El Polocker Ransomware.H_F_D_locked: Blackhat ransomware virus, MoWare HFD ransomware
.HakunaMatata: Hakunamatata Ransomware.Hollycrypt: HollyCrypt virus
.I\\'WANT MO...: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer).ID-*8characters+cou...: Apocalypse Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.ID-[A-Fo-9],{8}+cou...: Apocalypse Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft).JezRoz: InfiniteTear ransomware virus
.KEYH0LES: Mobef Ransomware.KEYHOLES: Yakes Ransomware
.KEYZ: Mobef Ransomware.LEGO: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.LIGHTNING: LightningCrypt ransomware.LOCKED: GOG ransomware
.MIKOYAN: Den Svenska Polisen IT-Sakerhet virus, Mikoyan ransomware.MOLE: Mole Ransomware
.MRCR1: Merry Christmas ransomware.NIGGA: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.NM4: NM4 ransomware.NumberDot.: AngryKite ransomware
.OMG!: DirtyDecrypt ransomware.OXR: OXAR ransomware virus
.OhNo!: OhNo! ransomware virus.PAY: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer)
.PEGS1: Merry Christmas ransomware.R5A: 7ev3n Ransomware
.RARE1: Merry Christmas ransomware.RENSEMWARE: RensenWare virus, TDSS rootkit
.REVENGE: Revenge ransomware.REYPTSON: Reyptson virus
.ReaGan: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).SHARK: Shark ransomware V2
.SUPERCRYPT: SuperCrypt Ransomware.SecureCrypted: SecureCryptor Ransomware
.TRMT: Amnesia ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft).TheTrumpLockerf: TrumpLocker ransomware
.TheTrumpLockerp.: TrumpLocker ransomware.UNLIS: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.VBRANSOM: VBRANSOM virus.Venusf: VenusLocker ransomware
.VforVendetta: SamSam Ransomware.WAmarlocked: Balbaz ransomware
.WINDOWS: $ UcyLocker virus.Wana Decrypt0r Troj...: Trojan-Syria virus
.Whereisyourfiles: SamSam Ransomware.YAYA: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.YYTO: YYTO ransomware.ZINO: Security Master, ZinoCrypt ransomware
.ZW: ZONEware ransomware virus.[4 digits random ex...: Deadly ransomware
.[5 random character...: Alma Locker Ransomware.[6 letters]: CryptoLocker
.[Cho.dambler@yandex...: WininiCrypt ransomware virus.[[email protected]].LOC...: Amnesia ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.[[email protected]...: BugWare virus.[a random combinati...: Princess Locker ransomware
.[a-z0-9]: Diamond Computer Encryption ransomware virus.[[email protected]...: Dharma Ransomware
.[[email protected]].SON...: Amnesia ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft).[chines34@protonmai...: Gryphon ransomware virus
.[email]: Gingerbread Ransomware.[email] : OpenToYou ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.[email].BRT92: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).[email].aleta: BTCWare Aleta virus
.[email].xtbl: Green_Ray Ransomware, VegClass ransomware.[email].xtbl : Redshitline Ransomware
.[[email protected]...: Gryphon ransomware virus.[payment_email].ID[...: CryptoMix virus
.[random]: InfinityLock ransomware virus, LockedByte ransomware, My Decryptor ransomware virus, Skull ransomware virus, popup.[victim_id]_luck: CryptoLuck Ransomware
._[ID Number].UIWIX: UIWIX ransomware.__dilmaV1: DilmaLocker ransomware virus
._xratteamLucked: TeamXRat Ransomware(Decryptors: trendmicro, emsisoft).a19: JokeFromMars Ransomware
.aRpt: Mischa TeslaCrypt(Decryptors: avg)
.ace: WinRarer virus.adk: Angry Duck ransomware
.adr: PyteHole ransomware, Virus Total 2010.aes: Polski virus
.aesir: Locky virus.amnesia: Amnesia ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.ap19: JokeFromMars Ransomware.armadilo1: ArmaLocky ransomware virus
.asasin: Asasin ransomware.bam: Bam! ransomware virus
.bart: Bart Ransomware(Decryptors: avg).bin: Alfa Ransomware
.bitkangoroo: BitKangoroo ransomware.blackfeather: Black Feather ransomware
.bleep: Ungluk Ransomware.breaking_bad: Shade Ransomware
.breeding123: SamSam Ransomware.brickr: BrickR Ransomware Virus
.btc: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer).btc-help-you: SamSam Ransomware
.btcbtcbtc: SamSam Ransomware.bud: Bud ransomware virus
.cRh8: Mischa Ransomware.canihelpyou: SamSam Ransomware
.cerber: Cerber Ransomware.cerber2: Cerber Ransomware
.cerber3: Cerber Ransomware.cfm: CryForMe virus
.cifgksaffsfyghd: SamSam Ransomware.code: CryptoMix virus
.coded: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft), Anubis ransomware.comrade: Comrade Circle Ransomware
.coverton: Coverton Ransomware.crack: Anoncrack ransomware virus
.cradle: Cradle ransomware.crinf: CryptInfinite(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.crjoker: CryptoJoker ransomware.crptd: Naampa ransomware virus
.crptrgr: CryptoRoger ransomware.cry: AntiAID, Cry ransomware, CryPy Ransomware, DoNotChange ransomware, Hi Buddy Ransomware
.cry_: PaySafe Generator Ransomware.cryakl: Cryakl Ransomware(Decryptors: kaspersky)
.cryp1: CryptXXX ransomware(Decryptors: kaspersky), UltraCrypter ransomware.crypt: CryptXXX ransomware(Decryptors: kaspersky), Chimera ransomware(Decryptors: kaspersky), DynA-Crypt ransomware, NoobCrypt Ransomware, R980 Ransomware, Ransomnix virus
.crypt38: Crypt38 ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer).crypte: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer)
.crypted: Dxh26wam ransomware, Fatboy ransomware.crypted_file: Kangaroo Ransomware
.crypto: Zimbra Ransomware.cryptotorlocker2015...: CryptoTorLocker(Decryptors: ransomwareanalysis), Personal Anti Malware
.crypz: CryptXXX ransomware(Decryptors: kaspersky).crysis: Crysis Ransomware(Decryptors: kaspersky)
.cuck: RansomCuck Ransomware.czvxce: Coverton Ransomware
.de-extens: popup.decrypt2017 and .hn...: Globe Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft)
[email protected]...: Wyvern ransomware.ded: DedCryptor ransomware
.deria: DeriaLock ransomware.devil: CryptoDevil ransomware
.diablo6 : Control Manager, Diablo6 ransomware.dkdfln: Random6 virus
.dxxd: DXXD Ransomware.eQTz: Mischa Ransomware
.ebay: eBayWall Ransomware virus.ecc: TeslaCrypt(Decryptors: avg)
.ecrypt: Erebus ransomware,[email].[vers...: Vipasana ransomware
.en-extension: popup.enc: TrueCrypt Ransomware
.encedRSA: SamSam Ransomware.encrypted: Apocalypse Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft), Crypren ransomware(Decryptors: Downloads\Compressed\DecryptCrypren-master), CuteRansomware Virus(Decryptors: github), Coin Locker Ransomware, Crypto Wire ransomware, Esmeralda Ransomware, Fake WindowsUpdater ransomware, GX40 ransomware, HugeMe ransomware, Smrss32 Ransomware, Trump Ransomware, Turkish FileEncryptor ransomware, VapeLauncher virus, Vista AntiMalware 2010, WolfRam Antivirus
.encryptedAES: SamSam Ransomware.encryptedRSA: SamSam Ransomware
.encryptile: Encryptile ransomware.enigma: Coverton Ransomware, Enigma Ransomware
.enjey: Enjey ransomware.evil: Negozl Ransomware
.evillock: EvilLock virus.exe: VirLock Ransomware
.exo: Atchbo ransomware.exotic: Exotic Ransomware
.explorer: Explorer Ransomware virus.ezz: Alpha Crypt Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer)
.f**k_you_ av_we_are...: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).fantom: Fantom ransomware
.filock: Popcorn Time Ransomware.firecrypt: FireCrypt ransomware
.flyper: Flyper Ransomware.frtrss: CryptoFortress virus
.fu*k: Ungluk Ransomware.fucked: Malabu ransomware, Rijndael ransomware
.fun: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer).gefickt: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer)
.gotham: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).gws: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer)
.hacked: In-Development Ransomware.happydayzz: HappyDayzz ransomware
.heisenberg: Shade Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.herbst: Herbst Hermes ransomware
.hush: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer).hydracrypt: Hydracrypt(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.id-[A NUMBER]_locke...: X3M[A NUMBER]_r9oj: X3M ransomware
.id-[A NUMBER]_x3m: X3M[ID]-[email].inf...: Pizzacrypts Ransomware
.id-[ID].[email].xtb...: Mahasaraswati[ID].okean-1955@...: Okean- 1955 Ransomware
.id-[ID]_[email1]_[e...: Juicylemon[id].[email].are...: Arena ransomware virus, Vista Smart Security 2010
.id-{ID Number}_fud@...: BandarChor ransomware.id_[ID]_[email].rmd: Zeta Ransomware
.id_[ID]_[email].scl: Zeta Ransomware.ifuckedyou: SerbRansom virus
.ipygh: Karo virus.isis: EduCrypt ransomware
.jaff: Jaff ransomware, PC Live Guard.jeepers: JeepersCrypt ransomware
.justbtcwillhelpyou: SamSam Ransomware.karma: Karma Ransomware
.keepcalm: Keep Calm Ransomware.kencf: Kaandsona Ransomware, Total Protect
.kgpvwnr: My Decryptor ransomware virus.kirked: Kirk virus
.kkk: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer), KKK virus.kokolocker: KoKo Locker
.kraken: Kraken ransomware.lambda_l0cked: LambdaLocker ransomware
.lamo: EyLamo virus.lcked: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer)
.letmetrydecfiles: SamSam Ransomware.llawex: Random6 virus
.lmao: LMAOxUS Ransomware.lock: LockCrypt virus, Zyka ransomware
.lock75: TAR-Fluffy ransomware.lock93: Lock93 Ransomware
.locked: Stampado Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft), Globe Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft), OzozaLocker Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft), Philadelphia Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft), Antivirus Vista 2010, BitPaymer virus, CryptoShocker Ransomware, FabSysCrypto ransomware, GNL Locker Ransomware, Guster ransomware, May ransomware, MMLocker Ransomware, ORX-Locker Ransomware, RedBoot ransomware virus, Russian Eda2 Ransomware, Shark Ransomware, VirLock Ransomware, WickedLocker ransomware, Zelta Free ransomware, Zyklon Locker.locked-by-mafia: BlueFlare Antivirus, MafiaWare Ransomware
.locklock: LockLock Ransomware.locky: Locky virus, NoobCrypt Ransomware
.lok: Anatel Ransomware.lovewindows: Globe Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.lukitus: Lukitus ransomware virus, Zammillo Deals.m0on: M0on ransomware
.madebyadam: Roga ransomware.maktub: AiraCrop Virus
.maysomware: May ransomware.mention9823: SamSam Ransomware
.mordor: Mordor ransomware.mtk118: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.nWcrypt: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).needdecrypt: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.needkeys: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).neitrino: Neitrino ransomware
.no_more_ransom: Shade Ransomware.novalid: Locked-in virus
.ocean: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).odcodc: ODCODC ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer)
.odin: Locky virus, ODIN ransomware.only-we_can-help_yo...: SamSam Ransomware
.oops: OopsLocker virus.osiris: Locky virus
.padcrypt: PadCrypt.payforunlock: CryptoGod virus
.payransom: Invisible Empire Ransomware.paytounlock: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer)
.pec: PEC 2017 ransomware.pmxkab: Random6 virus
.pnr: Pendor ransomware virus.porno: CryptoHitman Ransomware
.poshcoder: POSHCODER.potato: Potato ransomware
.pr0tect: Pr0tector ransomware[email protected]: Project34 ransomware
.protected: Protected Ransomware.pscrypt: PSCrypt virus
.psh: PshCrypt ransomware.purge: Globe Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.pwned: Decryption Assistant ransomware.rack: RackCrypt Ransomware
.ransomcuck: RansomCuck Ransomware.razy: Razy ransomware
.rdm: Radamant ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft).rdmk: CryptoMix virus
.reaGAN: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)[email protected]....: Globe Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.resurrection: Resurrection KillerLocker ransomware
.robinhood: RobinHood Ransomware.rokku: Rokku Ransomware
.rose: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).rrk: Radamant ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.rumblegoodboy: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).sad: SADStory ransomware
.sage: Sage 2 ransomware, Sage Ransomware, Secure Veteran.sanction: Sanction Ransomware
.sea: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).serp: Serpent virus
.serpent: Serpent MyPcSecure, PayDay Ransomware
.shit: Locky virus.skjdthghh: SamSam Ransomware
.skunk: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).stn: DeadEye, Satan ransomware
.suppose666: SamSam Ransomware.sux: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer)
.switch: KillSwitch ransomware.tdelf: TheDarkEncryptor virus, ViewThat Ads
.theworldisyours: SamSam Ransomware.thor: Locky virus
.ttt: TeslaCrypt(Decryptors: avg)[email protected]...: Jigsaw Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer)
[email protected]: Globe Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft).upzbrf: Random6 virus
.versiegelt: Versiegelt ransomware.via: ViaCrypt Ransomware Virus
.viiper: ViiperWare virus.viki: CryptoViki ransomware
.vindows: Vindows Locker Ransomware.vvv: Win Defender 2009
.wallet: Sanctions Ransomware.wannacry: Trojan-Syria virus
.wcry: Wcry virus.wflx: WildFire Locker virus(Decryptors: mcafee)
.whycry: WhyCry virus.wnx: Onyx virus
.write_me_[btc2017@i...: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft).write_on_email: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.xdata: PC Internet Security 2010, SystemArmor, XData ransomware.xtbl: Shade Ransomware
.xxx: TeslaCrypt(Decryptors: avg).yl: ChinaYunLong virus
.ytbl: Shade Ransomware.zCrypt: zCrypt Ransomware
.zXz: AP Manager, QuickCoup Ads, RanRan ransomware.zepto: Locky virus, Zepto ransomware
.zn2016: ZeroCrypt ransomware.zuzya: Globe Imposter ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft)
.zyklon: Zyklon Locker.~: Tilde ransomware
.~HL: HadesLocker virus@kee: Kee ransomware
ENC: UnblockUPC RansomwareHUSTONWEHAVEAPROBLEM...: Matroska Ransomware
Heimdall---: Heimdall RansomwareKK_.: KK_ ransomware
Lock.: MIRCOP Ransomware(Decryptors: kaspersky), Aviso Ransomware[customised]: Goliath Ransomware, Ransom32 ranswomare
[[email protected]].gryph...: Gryphon ransomware virus[email].xtbl: Ecovector Ransomware
[email]___: SATANA Ransomware[full disk]: Petya ransomware
[gladius_rectus@aol....: Gryphon ransomware virus[none]: Rannoh trojan(Decryptors: kaspersky), BadBlock Ransomware(Decryptors: avg, emsisoft), SZFLocker Ransomware(Decryptors: avg), DMA-Locker ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft), FenixLocker Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft), KeRanger Ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer), LeChiffre Ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft), NanoLocker Ransomware(Decryptors: github), Nemucod ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft), Telecrypt Ransomware(Decryptors: box), Alphabet virus(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer), CoinVault(Decryptors: kaspersky), Nemucod-AES ransomware virus(Decryptors: emsisoft), UmbreCrypt(Decryptors: emsisoft), 8lock8 ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer), Adonis ransomware, Advanced Virus Remover System Warning, All_Your_Documents ransomware, Blooper virus, CryptoDark virus, CryptoJacky ransomware, CyberSplitter ransomware, CYR-Locker ransomware, Defray ransomware virus, FadeSoft ransomware, Jew Crypt ransomware, Kaenlupuf virus, Karmen ransomware, Kryptonite virus, LataRebo Locker ransomware, LockeR ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer), Meteoritan virus, Monument ransomware, Mood Tube App, My Security Suite, NTK ransomware, PetrWrap ransomware, Radiation virus, Ranion ransomware, Red Cross Antivirus, SkyName ransomware, Spora virus, TowerWeb ransomware, Trojan-BNK.Win32.Keylogger.gen, VHDLocker Ransomware, WannaCryptor ransomware, Windows Performance Center
[random]: HELP_YOUR_FILES virus, Maktub Locker, Registry Defender Platinum[restoreassistant2@t...: Locked_File ransomware virus
[[email protected]]....: Master virus[unknown]: Locker ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer), LockeR ransomware(Decryptors: bleepingcomputer), \"Your Computer was Automatically Blocked. Reason: Pirated Software\" ransomware, ABCLocker ransomware virus, Buyunlockcode ransomware, Cryptobot virus, Cryptorbit virus, FileFrozr ransomware, Gruxer ransomware, KEYHolder, Kripto64 ransomware, R ransomware, Schwerer ransomware
_Ink.HavocCrypt!: Havoc ransomware_[original_extension...: Computer Fix, VisionCrypt ransomware
____tarTrojan-Ransom...: Rotor Virus(Decryptors: kaspersky)_crypt: Crypton ransomware(Decryptors: emsisoft)
_crypt0.: Crypt0 Ransomware[email protected] _:, FLKR Ransomware
_nullByte: NullByte ransomwareiaufkakfhsaraf: SamSam Ransomware
id-[ID].{payfornatur...: Payfornature Ransomwareid-[affiliate_id].[a...: Paradise Ransomware
id.-[ID].[email].xtb...: JohnyCryptor ransomwarenone: Ender Ransomware, FCP ransomware
oorr.: LowLevel04 Ransomwareunknown: LockOn Virus

If you have any suggestions about crypto ransomware extensions leave a comment below.